Next: Install


The following should work in an empty or an existing project.

  1. pnpm install -D @gitkitjs/gitkitjs
  2. pnpm gitkitjs dev
  3. Type o to open your browser.

If you don't already have a content directory you will see this gitkitjs guide.

Add Markdown

To get started, create an file in the content directory.

After creating the content directory, quit and restart the gitkitjs dev server


gitkitjs will serve pages for every file with a .md extension in the content directory.

Website URLs will match the names of your markdown files, minus the '.md' extension. For consistency, we suggest using lower case filenames with hyphens and no spaces or other special characters.

A directory with an file, will be served at a URL matching the directory name, with no trailing '/'.


Add links to the main menu, by providing navlinks in the yaml frontmatter in

  image: 😀
  text: my-website
  - href: /blog
    text: Blog

# Welcome to my gitkitjs website

See Menus for more details.

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